We Guarantee Success!

Are you new to the job market? Then you're probably facing that classic "catch-22"... no one wants to hire you until you have experience... and you can't get experience until someone hires you!

At ResumeWriters.com, we understand the unique needs of young professionals, recent graduates and students. You need a resume that can powerfully sell your skills and potential as an employee... even though you don't have a lot of experience to highlight. We know just how to do this. We can craft documents that will focus your strengths and emphasize what you have done (academically, professionally and otherwise) all the while pointing to what you're capable of achieving in the future.

Positioning yourself in the job market for the first time can be difficult. That is why we have created a special set of products to help young professionals succeed.

Who is this service for?

  • Current or Future Students

  • Recent Graduates

  • Professionals with 1 year (or less) experience in the job market

Not sure which package is right for you? Click for our Resume Package FAQ



  • Free consultation with a professional, experienced resume writer skilled in your industry or discipline. You will have direct, one-on-one interaction and contact with your writer throughout the entire writing process.

  • The writer will produce a professional-quality, highly detailed 1-2 page resume. We'll choose a resume design that highlights your strengths, and underlines your qualifications.

  • The writer will work with you until you have a final draft you are satisfied with.

The finished resume will be emailed to you as a file attachment within 72 hours. All you have to do is fill out the form. We do the rest.

 Submit here.

  • One professional resume (see above for full details)

  • For $35 more, the writer will also craft a detailed and highly focused cover letter to be used with your resume. Not only will this cover letter be tailored directly to your job search goals, it will be designed in such a way that you'll be able to use it over and over again. Apply to 100 different jobs and you can reuse this same cover letter for each and every application, saving you hours of time and frustration.

All emailed to you as a file attachment within 72 hours.

 Submit here.

Every job-search document you'll ever need!

  • One professional resume (see above for full details)

  • One professional multi-use cover letter (see above for full details)

  • For a mere $15 more, we'll throw in every document you could ever need over the course of your job search. This includes:

    • An electronic resume designed to be posted on major job board websites while retaining form and design. In addition, the e-resume is formatted to be sent in the body of an email so that your resume isn't rejected by spam blockers.

    • A scannable resume. Scannable resumes are specially formatted for employers who use an automated applicant tracking system (a resume database). Without proper formatting, your resume will not scan correctly and may never be found in the database.

    • A post-interview, follow-up letter. Use this letter to keep your application in their mind and at the top of the heap. 

Each of the above is of course, emailed to you as a file attachment within 72 hours.
Submit here

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